Actomyosin Networks

Cartoon of an actin filament

Cartoon of a myosin motor protein

Cartoon of actomyosin contraction

Simulation of an actomyosin network

Actin is a protein that forms filaments (F-actin) in our cells. F-actin facilitates cellular processes including cell motility, cell division, and muscle contraction. In the cytoskeleton, F-actin movement generates the contractile forces needed for cell division. Myosin motor proteins are the main driver of this motion, but understanding the mechanics of actomyosin networks remains an active research area.

We developed an agent-based model for a two-dimensional actomyosin network. Model simulations suggested F-actin bending to be the key feature that favours actomyosin contraction. We analysed the geometric asymmetry caused by F-actin bending in more detail in a follow-up paper.

